Adjuntamos la carta dirigida al Secretario General de la ONU. N de la R.
August 9th, 2010
Your Excellency
Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Organization
1 United
Your Excellency:
We, the undersigned – a number of international and domestic human rights and peace organizations, human rights defenders, journalists, and professors – would like to express our concern for the appointment of former President of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, to the panel of inquiry on the May 31st Flotilla incident.
We are convinced that Mr. Uribe is not qualified to defend international law and would like to submit the following examples for your consideration:
Violation of the territorial integrity of a neighboring State – On March 1st, 2008, the Colombian Armed Forces bombed the camp of “Raúl Reyes”, a leader of the Armed Revolutionary Forces of
Resolution 930 (1632/08) of March 5 2008, of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States, established that the act constituted “a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
Extrajudicial executions – During the two presidential terms of Mr. Uribe, extrajudicial executions increased dramatically.
In the words of Philip Alston, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, “the phenomenon of so-called “false positives” (falsos positivos) — unlawful killings of civilians, staged by the security forces to look like lawful killings in combat of guerrillas or criminals — are well known to Colombians. While there are examples of such cases going back to the 1980s, the evidence indicates that they began occurring with a disturbing frequency across
Moreover, in his press statement in
Confrontation with the judicial branch – The Government of Álvaro Uribe harassed the high courts and, with constant public disqualifications, put at risk the independence of the judicial branch. In its last report, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights in
“Tension and public disputes between the executive and judicial branches during 2009 may have undermined the independence of the judiciary. OHCHR-Colombia documented public statements by high-level government officials and social and political actors discrediting the Supreme Court and its magistrates, as well as undue interference, direct or indirect, into their functions through lobbying, pressure and threats. These acts could constitute a violation of the United Nations principles of judicial independence4 and raise concerns over some magistrates’ personal security.” (A/HRC/13/72)
Use of intelligence agencies against human rights defenders, political opponents, and magistrates – According to the testimonies of detectives assigned to the Administrative Department of Security, at least from 2003 on, orders for the illegal wiretapping of journalists, judges, and congressmen originated in the Presidential Palace. The investigations of the Attorney-General show a criminal machinery set up by the intelligence agency – DAS - , under the control of the President.
According to the United Nations Office of Human Rights in Colombia, “information was made public in 2009 that DAS (the national civil intelligence agency reporting directly to the President) had conducted widespread and systematic illegal intelligence operations going at least as far back as 2003. These operations targeted, inter alia, human rights defenders, political opposition leaders, journalists and high-level Government officials, such as the Vice-President. Furthermore, disturbing information appeared in the public domain that even magistrates of the Supreme Court were subject to surveillance. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, a United Nations Special Rapporteur and OHCHR-Colombia itself were targeted as well. These actions, in many cases, had the objective of invalidating the work of the victims, who were considered as “legitimate targets” for being potential opponents to Government policies”. (A/HRC/13/72)
To the extent that the United Nations system in the field has witnessed and even been a victim of the facts described, we would like to protest the decision taken by your Excellency. As can bee seen, the Government of Mr. Uribe has been condemned for its behavior of disrespect towards international law, which is the necessary point of reference for the analysis of the Flotilla incident.
Therefore, we respectfully request Your Excellency that, for the credibility of the inquiry panel and the good of the United Nations and international law, the appointment of Mr. Uribe be reconsidered.
Organizaciones Derechos Humanos Internacionales
Centro América por el Diàlogo -CAD- (espacio centroamericano)
Centro por
Colombia Human Rigths Committee
Fellowship of Reconciliation FOR
Frente Ecuatoriano de Derechos Humanos FEDHU
Movimiento Tzuk Kim-pop (Guatemala).
Red para la infancia y la familia
Stichting Play Fair Europe Amsterdam
TEJE (Travailler Ensemble Jeunes et Engagés). Francia.
The Presbyterian peace fellowship
The United Methodist Church
Us Office on
Defensores Derechos Humanos Internacionales
Philippe Texier, Magistrado honorario, experto de Naciones Unidas. Francia.
Carola Iñiguez Zambrano
Chloe Schwabe
Cristina Espinel
Henry Morales
Ildefonso Finol
Janeth Muñoz
Kelly Nicholls
Kimberly Stanton
Luci Faria Pinheiro
Raúl Zibechi
Rosa Lía Chaica S.
Susana Pimiento
Álvaro Camacho Guizado
Andrés Felipe Ortiz Gordillo
Carlos Rodríguez Mejía
Carlos Vidales
César Giraldo
Emmanuel Rozental
Fé David Rodríguez (Francia)
Felipe Gómez
Fernando Arellano Ortiz
Flor Edilma Osorio
Francisco Guerra
Giovanny Leal R
Jaime Zuluaga Nieto
Juan Guillermo Ferro
Juan Tokatlián
Laura Gil
Luis Mejía
Orlando Iregui Rumazo (Colombia)
Ramiro Garcia Arias
Ricardo Sánchez Ángel
Columnistas y Periodistas
(Nota de O.D.—Lamentable que no aparezcan las firmas de Héctor Abad y de Wiliam Ospina) (Ver sus últimas columnas en El Espectador del domingo)
Alfredo Molano
Álpher Rojas Carvajal
Carlos Jiménez Moreno
Carlos Lozano
Clara Nieto de Ponce de León
Claudia Julieta Duque
Constanza Cuetia
Constanza Vieira
Dawn Paley
Fernando Garavito
Javier Darío Restrepo
Jesús Abad Colorado
Laureano Monroy
León Valencia
Ramiro Bejarano Guzmán
Vladimir Flórez, Vladdo
Yurani Mena
Organizaciones Derechos Humanos Nacionales
Alianza Social Continental
Andas Valle
Asamblea Permanente por
Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos ASFADDES
Asociación Minga
Asociación Origen común
Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular CINEP
Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo CCAJAR
Colectivo Otra Colombia Es Posible
Colombia Human Rights Commitee
Comisión Colombiana de Juristas CCJ
Consejería de Proyectos PCS
Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento CODHES
Coordinación Colombia – Europa – Estados Unidos
Corporación Nuevo Arcoíris
Corporación Reiniciar
Corporación Viva
Cultura Democrática
Derechos Humanos y Democracia
Foro Interétnico Solidaridad Chocó
Foro Nacional por Colombia
Fundación Guagua
Fundacion Mujer Sola
Fundación Rostros y Huellas del Sentir Humano
Instituto Latinoamericano para una Sociedad y un Derecho Alternativos ILSA
Movimiento de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado MOVICE
Organización Femenina Popular y Movimiento Social de Mujeres contra
Pensamiento y Acción Social, Pas.
Plataforma Colombiana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo
Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Democracia y Desarrollo Capítulo Peruano, Capítulo Argentino.
Red de Acción contra el ALCA – Recalca
Red de Mujeres
Red Nacional de Iniciativas por
Red Nacional de Mujeres
Red Nacional de Mujeres Nodos: Barranquilla, Bolívar, Bucaramanga, Cauca, Chocó, Manizales, Medellín, Pasto, Risaralda, San Andrés y Providencia, Tolima, Tunja, Valle.
Ruta Pacífica de mujeres
Sisma Mujer
Taller Abierto
Tejido de Comunicación y de Relaciones Externas para
Defensores Derechos Humanos Nacionales
Agustín Jiménez
Alirio Uribe
Álvaro Villarraga
Amaury Padilla Cabarcas
Antonio Madariaga
Astrid Flórez
Aurelino Quejada
Bibiana Ortiz
Carlos Salgado Araméndez
Carolina Jiménez
Diana Sanchez
Diego Pérez
Enrique Daza
Fabio Lozano
Gloria Florez
Gloria Luz Gómez
Héctor León Moncayo
Hernán Darío Correa
Jahel Quiroga Carrillo
Jorge Eliécer Molano
Jorge Peralta de Brigard
Jorge Rojas
Juan Acevedo G
Julia Ines Madariaga
Larry Castillo
Luis Emil Sanabria Durán
Luis Sandoval
Luz Miryam Moncayo
Magdala Velásquez
Marco Romero
Maria Elena Unigarro Coral
Maria Ruth Vera Vera
Marina Gallego Zapata
Mauricio Garcia Duran
Miguel Antonio Cruz González
Mildrey Corrales Ch.
Nancy Sanchez
Olga Amparo Sanchez
Otoniel de Jesús Mejia Londoño
Pedro Santana
Pilar Trujillo
Rafael Vargas
Reinaldo Villalba
Ricardo Esquivia
Richard Moreno
Rosaliano Riascos R.
Salomé Oliva
Tatiana Montaña
Tito Augusto Gaitán
Sindicatos y Sindicalistas:
Alex Fabián Espinoza
Asonal Judicial
Central Unitaria de Trabajadores CUT
Gerardo Cajamarca Alarcon
Sinaltrainal Mision Internacional
Tarsicio Mora
Partidos Políticos:
Partido Polo Democrático Alternativo
Dirigentes políticos
Carlos Naranjo Ossa
Clara López Obregón
Gloria Cuartas
Iván Cepeda
Más firmantes
Alvaro Jimenez Millán
Amalia Caro
Ana Marcela Bueno
Ana María Gómez
Ana María González Valencia
Ángel Beccassino Jugovac
Beatriz Montoya
Brayan E. Cárdenas Posada
Carlos Eduardo Perez Corredor
Cira Vila
Ciro Ramirez
Claudia Mejía
Dairo Alberto Ospina
Diana Patricia Salazar
Fernando Gredelmann
Gilberto Herrera Stella
Gladys Jimeno
Guillermo Segovia Mora
Imelda Daza-Cotes
Jairo Espinosa Gutiérrez
Jairo rojas
José I. Nieto
Juan Manuel Roca
Julia Adriana Figueroa
Lucely Orozco Soto
Manuel Antonio Velandia
María Eugenia Rodríguez
Miguel Montoya
Myriam Montoya
Nancy Ruth López Flórez
Néstor Camilo Garzón
Noemí Lafuente Redón
Santiago Pérez Bartolomé
Florentina Redón Delmiro
Nubia Pedraza
Paola Marcela Murillo
Patricia Ariza, dramaturga, actriz
Viviana Cárdenas
Viviana Sigrid Cárdenas Cardona
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